Auto Trader

I took the reigns of the Auto Trader studio department in late April 2002.

Starting from scratch I had to not only select and build my own design team, but the company gave me a pretty much blank canvas for how to run the department. (A pretty much blank cheque as well for updating the studio).

My job was design focused with some event support, but at Auto Trader, my talents for understanding design, media and problem-solving were recognised and used to their full potential.

With the many tight deadlines working for a publishing house entails, days were never dull.

My department was responsible for the complete corporate identity of the Auto Trader Magazine along with Auto Freeway, Top Marques and Buy New. We were also responsible for the design of much of the companies marketing and point of sale. (Again pretty much anything you wanted to slap an Auto Trader Logo across!)

I also met some really talented people here – most of which I am still in contact with. You know who you are!

Other Companies I have worked for